Tuesday, 30 June 2015


106. There exist a positive correlation between spiritual maturity and how high a person can soar. The greater the maturity the farther the altitude reached.
107. The decision to truly start grooming people’s potentials begins with a servant hood mindset.
108. Self centeredness’ often reduces a man to a very small insignificant cell in the centre.
109. Stop struggling attempting to be too many things. Soar in one thing at a time.
110. Be excellent in your call (gifts) not just present wherever prospect calls.
Excel in your field and you will dispel your fears.
111. Any zeal that want’s you to be everything at the same time is only the devil’s trick to drill off your potentials to soar.
112. Beware! Diversification is not the same as wandering through careers.
113. Only dummies are made overnights. You are worth more than that so focus on the process of grooming to soar.
114. Gravitate toward the group that are groomed and you will grow.
115. An eagle retreat at interval to recluse in order to renew her strength; so should you with God, Isaiah 30:15.
116. Your next altitude of soar is waiting on your next attitude of waiting on God in deep communion. Isaiah 40:31.
117. Always focus on what God through the person can do; not what the person cannot do.
118. Offer that extra money, prayers, good counsel, tools, and supplies today. That may be all that’s left to set that eagle person to the sky.
More than a hundred inspiring wisdom quotes to quicken your quest for change awaits you locked inside the book STOP DUCKING THE EAGLES. 
Reach for your copy today.

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