Friday, 13 February 2015



This blog is particularly dedicated to sharing with you my many inspired thoughts which often brew from an Infinite Brook, and are now culminating into ingenious books you can't wait to read, first of which is my newest publish: STOP DUCKING THE EAGLES.
Promoting this new born is my new hone.

You started out thus Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The man became a living being. God created human beings; he created them godlike, Reflecting God's nature. He created them male and female.”1 That is it! Each one of us was born an ‘eagle-human’ designed for an eventual soar in life, above all opposing and limiting obstacles.
     Among the millions of creatures, the eagle is one of the few used metaphorically in the Bible, and symbolically by nations, because of its features, to describe the capacity and potential of human, and even God. Eagles are one of the magnificent creatures in the species of birds in the world. As listed earlier they possess enviable qualities and characteristics which includes: keen sense of vision, speed, strength, agility, power, boldness, courage, tenderness, dependability, ferocity, and resolute daring. 
      God, also in the nurture of His children likened Himself to the mother eagle in caring for her eaglets. He said; “You yourselves have seen what I did ………., and how I carried you on eagle wings and brought you to myself.”2 He also is the One, “Who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’.”3
     Thus we are His offspring; His born eaglets.   -------------Excerpt: Stop Ducking the Eagles.



       Stop Ducking The Eagles, focuses and frowns at all of human initiated process and policies put in place to hinder a person or people from attaining and becoming who they ought to be by destiny. It highlights (and denounces) influences individuals and authorities wield over others that eventually keep them from reaching their God given destiny.
      In agreement with a great wise Man’s view, King Solomon, the book direct it’s lens on parents and leaders at whatever capacity as being largely (not totally) responsible for the gross failure, under achievement and under performance in our society today. He says; “Here’s a piece of bad business I've seen on this earth, An error that can be blamed on whoever is in charge:
 Immaturity is given a place of prominence, While maturity is made to take a back seat.
 I've seen unproven upstarts riding in style, While experienced veterans are put out to pasture”
      The misplacement and thwarting of peoples potentials and destiny abound in our global society through operations of various human flawed systems, derailing school of thoughts and sense appealing but potential trapping philosophies, both in the secular world and even in the Church, for which a reordering is imminent.
       After many hundreds of years, Solomon’s observation still hold’s true to our day. The error perhaps got worst and even sophisticated in contemporary society. In my few years of living and a good while of watching, I have observed how that parents driven by pride, jealously and perhaps the desire to impress society, influence the decisions and choices of their children away from their path of interest, true calling and purpose for living. Such have had their sons and daughters become Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Pilots, Accountants, Clergy’s, and Musicians, e.t.c which of course are great and noble professions. Except that perhaps they were a choice at variance or even nearly in consonance with their true destiny. It thus permits flight (accomplishments). Yet such flights are greatly limited when compared to what it ought to be were it in their destined path.
      I have also observed in the Church, how that leaders or senior clergy’s for reasons maybe associated with greed, jealousy, insecurity, and ignorance of the Master’s agenda and goal, took advantage of some scriptures literally to set religious laws and initiate policies and doctrines that tends to suppress and keep their associates and subordinates “feather shaved” and “wings clipped” to hinder flight. Sadly, no one seems to be spared. The trend runs down in the chain to the least member for some congregation in Christendom.
      I have watched tearfully most of our educational institutions pattern and operates a system that seeks to determine the future of people and what they eventually become by apportioning course of discipline based on candidate’s financial autonomy, connection to societal influence and several other parameters other than one that should reveal and groom them in their destined naturally gifted path for success.
      Profit and non-profit organizations are not left out. Some who are perceived to be successful are actually performing far bellow their true capacity for, among other factors, misplacement of skills and talents of work force, as well as the reign of those treacherous activities that is peddled behind the mask of office politics, which clog up potentials and clutter up high performance spirit—depleting the modern workplace into a minefield of compromised commitment of work force.    
       All of these systems of approach to human relationship, management and development have somewhat produced more failures or at best shadows of success, than there are the real successes. Better put, the low ranch flights of ducks rather than great height soar of eagles—accomplishments.
      Ducks; like eagles are a member of the avian family. They have the ability to swim, walk and fly. But flights in ducks (no matter the breed) are highly limited compared to eagles. Metaphorically, humans are likened to eagles by creation in a unique sense.
      Eagles stood out because of their enviable peculiar features which include: keen sense of vision, speed, strength, agility, power, boldness, courage, tenderness, dependability, ferocity, and resolute daring. These qualities add up to make the eagle the monarch of the sky and king of the avian family. Interestingly, those features are also true of us and depict the abilities for great feats. Ironically, humans, most of us have acted short and lived far less of those qualities for ducking the eagle reasons—for the most of it.
       Nevertheless, the binocular of this timely book does not focus on the problems. Rather it shows us to solutions that would enable us to permit and assist all eaglets—potential stars under our custody of family, organization, school, ministry and church constellation to develop into eagles—shining stars, and soar to the highest height destined for them in their respective fields or careers.
      This book empowers you with what it takes and needs to be done individually and corporately to contribute to releasing a “Genius Generation”, who bears brighter solutions to humans’ current pressing challenges on the planet. The result which of course would be a near extinction of the status quo living, an emergence of better epochs and a more advanced society twice as much as been had or is currently celebrated. That of course includes the drastic decline or even demising of those chaoses’s humanity is suffering which are caused by man as a result of misdirected energy and perverted potentials. Indeed it will inspire the ushering in of a pertinent and exquisite era of a soaring live on the planet—earth.
      This book much so, will inspire you to live your best in the now in preparation to live your rest in the later. It will empower you to pass the ‘responsibility test’ of faithful commitment in the immediate in readiness to partake in the expected. For …. if you have not proved faithful in that which belongs to another [whether God or man], who will give you that which is your own [that is, the true riches]?2 It sure will born in you a renewed value for God’s apex creature; the human family.   
      If that sounds like what you love to be a part of; if that is your desire, you have made a choice of a most rewarding encounter of your life. Congratulations!
      You may proceed to the chapters with an open heart and a receptive spirit.
         ------------------------------STOP DUCKING THE EAGLES----------------------------
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